Dec/Jan23/24 - 146 (issue: Dec/Jan23/24 - 146)

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Take your stitching to the next level!

When we commissioned new contributor Jessica Kinnersley for this issue, the Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian’s Wall was still standing. Based locally, Jessica has used the tree as inspiration for her projects, which forms part of her feature on textile collage. This piece in turn provided inspiration for Jessica’s wild and wintry landscape project in the issue. I hope that those of you mourning the loss of the tree can find a little solace in perhaps preserving some of the imagery associated with it in stitches. I hope you enjoy Jessica’s tutorial and the other projects in this issue. Our cover shows Brenda Sortwell’s sparkling moths – a great excuse to work in 3D! You can finish the stocking and gingerbread tree projects started in issue 145 and then get Christmas all wrapped up with Lisa Steed Davey’s ingenious rosettes for embellishing gifts. Jay Hooper’s snowflake lampshade makes a novel way of bringing winter into your home, and Jessica Devin’s emerald toucan is a  welcome antidote to the cold, dark days of December and January.  

PLUS! We showcase the winners’ of the Embroiderers’ Guild Members’ Challenge 

Essential reading for every stitcher, with the best advice, ideas and inspiration!  Make the art of beautiful embroidery easy - get your copy today! 

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