VWBus T4&5+ Issue 142 (issue: Issue 142)

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VWBUS142 cover

VWBus T4&5+ Issue 142

ON SALE: 14th February 2024


A packed issue this month, Simon went to Buzzfest one day and Busfest the day

after, he’s nothing if not flexible! Richard starts a new series on the history of VW
called What’s A Samba, this first installment is a bit Hitler heavy to be honest, but he
didn’t shy away from the truth. We have not one but two shop tours this month, Hippo
Campers and Custom Haus. Now as for bus features, do we have six or seven this
month? Well, we do have features on a T4, two T5s and three T6s, making six. But
we also have a product test or should that be a road/camping test on a T6 California
Ocean. Shall we settle on 6½? As always there is much, much more so why not grab
a copy and dive in.

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