VWBus T4&5+ Issue 129 (issue: Issue 129)

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VW Bus Issue 129

VWBus T4&5+ Issue 129

ON SALE:  11th January 

For the first issue of 2023, we have the six feature buses, as you’ve come to expect.
As usual we’ve tried to cover all bases for the Transporternauts out there, even if one
of those bases is actually a Caddy. So, let’s start there: Adam Dysos’ ‘Snake Bite’
Caddy, not a camper and not a Transporter, but when it comes to Caddy Cool this is
right up there. Adam Longley’s svelte and very subtle T5.1 is not a camper either, but
the more you look at it the more you will want it on your drive. June Kenyon’s high-
top T4 has been reimagined as something smart, practical and award winning, and it
is a camper! Also a camper, Big V’s latest T6.1 demo bus was snapped up by the
company’s owner, who couldn’t bear to part with it, no higher recommendation. Joel
Whitehead’s two tone T5.1 is another camper, but this one has extra camping, in the
form of a neat, colour coded roof tent. Finally, Dean Grindle’s Acapulco blue T6 is
anything but loco, an exercise in understated, but luxurious conversion, all tuned to
his needs.
There is, as always, way more inside, including the editor’s annual predictions for
the coming year, a surplus of alcoholic festive eggnog appears to have affected
them, but they’re in there anyway!

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