VWBus T4&5+ Issue 116 (issue: Issue 116)

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VWBus T4&5+ Issue 116

VWBus T4&5+ Issue 116

“Christmas comes but once a year…” and other festive platitudes. VW Bus magazine
comes twelve times a year, but that doesn’t make this issue any less special. Maybe
because this issue marks our tenth anniversary, a little extra Transportery
specialness has been added. There are six festive features. The first bus could easily
be Santa’s choice of Swampers, built by Ecowagon, its packed with all the good stuff
and is as stylish as it is practical. The second, as red as Rudolf’s nose is a lovely T4
surf bus. The third a blue T6 Doka, that would be perfect for hauling a sleigh, even if
to our knowledge it hasn’t… yet. The fourth, a high-top T5, that’s as white as the
North Pole and tall enough to fill with presents. The fifth a coachbuilt T4 that could
house a decent sized Christmas tree as well as a small office party. The sixth, is a
yellow T6 on air-ride, we’ve no idea how to link this with Christmas, apart from to say
that the editor would be more than happy to find this under his tree. All of which
brings us to our annual Bus Of The Year competition. 

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