Star Wars Insider - Issue 176 (issue: 176)

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Star Wars Issue 176

This issue we’re celebrating the women of Star Wars. The saga has a proud history of heroes, starting with Leia all the way through to Rey, Jyn and, soon to be introduced in The Last Jedi, Rose. Some, like Padmé and Leia, are born into wealth and privilege, while others, like Sabine, come from much tougher homes or, like Shmi, the brutality of slavery. The one thing they all have in common is that they are selfless in their desire to help others.

The Women of Star Wars

The Women of Star Wars

From Leia’s defiance to Jyn’s brave self-sacrifice for the Rebellion, Star Wars has a proud history of heroic female characters. Insider pays tribute... 

Teaser Triumphs

Teaser Triumphs

The first glimpse of a new Star Wars movie is always a thrilling moment. From the early “Wow—what is this?!” elicited from cinema-goers in 1976, to the “What on Earth does Luke mean?!” inspired by The Last Jedi.

Painting the Galaxy

Painting the Galaxy

From Tatooine to Scarif, matte paintings have played a crucial role in creating the far-flung locales of Star WarsInsider caught up with visual-effects veteran Paul Huston for a look at how the techniques have evolved over the course of the saga. 

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