Searcher August 2019 (issue: August 2019 - out of stock)

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Searcher front cover Aug 19

August 2019

What’s new this month?


Our cover EXCLUSIVE was found by Rob Jones and Craig Paul a magnificent Roman coin hoard. They both recount the day they discovered it and the subsequent excavation.


Another EXCLUSIVE is the Merton Hoard which Dig organiser Mark Becher reports on both its discovery, block lifting and Senior Conservator Hayley Bullock describes the later excavation at the British Museum.


In part 4 of our exclusive series on metal and metal-working Kevin Leahy talks about ‘The shiny stuff’, silver and we also have the next in our Mudlarking series by Nick Stevens.


We also have a field test on the new Quest X5 machine by Daniel Spencer and an article entitled ‘Cleaning your finds: The truth about Olive Oil and of course much, much more!

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