Military Collectibles of WWI

Start collecting the militaria from the Great War in this 140-page bookazine. There’s everything from uniforms, badges and titles to postcards, photos, prints and medals.

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Military Collectibles of WWI

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Discover the huge range of military collectables from WWI with badges, uniforms, medals, weapons, postcards, posters and photos.

WWI British and Allied soldiers were festooned with a plethora of badges, insignia and titles. Here’s your guide to everything from wound stripes to farrier badges.

Temporary uniforms & badges
Ray Westlake looks at shortages in the early months of Kitchener’s New Army.

Badges of Kitchener’s Army
David Bilton describes some of the vast array of badges used by the infantry of the New Armies during World War I.

Anzac uniforms
The uniforms worn by Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli are examine by Ed Hallett.

Shoulder titles
David Bilton looks at some of the many different shoulder titles used by the British Army in World War I.

Farrier badges
Irvin Balder turns the spotlight on this interesting qualification badge for those looking after horses.
Wound stripes
The institution of this important recognition of soldiers wounded during WWI is explored by Willow Fitzgerald.

East Africa uniforms
Edward Hallett investigates the uniforms of the Allies in Africa and asks what is available to the collector today.
ID signs
Ray Westlake looks at Regular and New Army divisional signs and their meanings.

Sweetheart brooches
Graham Caldwell looks at the phenomenon of servicemen gifting sweetheart mementos in the form of miniature regimental badges.
Discover the various medals handed out by the Allies, for the battles on the Western Front, at sea and even in the jungles of Africa, then read the story of how someone managed to locate his relative’s war medals.

Medals for Passchendaele
Peter Duckers looks at some of the medals awarded for one of the most iconic campaigns of WWI.
Belgian medals
It wasn’t just Britain and France fighting in the mud of Western Europe, Peter Duckers casts his eye over the medals of their other ally, Belgium.

Medals for East Africa
If there was one theatre of WWI that is largely forgotten, it’s that of East Africa. Here are the awards handed out for this colonial campaign.

Mercantile Medal
Peter Duckers looks at the Great War medal that recognised the sacrifice made on the high sea.

Medals for Gallipoli
It was a disastrous campaign fought by a number of different countries. Here are the medals awarded to those who fought on the Turkish peninsula.

Family war medals come home
Andrew Arnold explains how researching his family tree ultimately led him to find his great-great-grandfather’s war medals.

The Lusitania Medal
Duncan Evans looks at the curious case of a medal used by both sides in a propaganda campaign over a naval atrocity.

The Great War saw the widespread use of photography and propaganda, from comic postcards, to posters urging civilians to sign up. At the conclusion of the fighting there was art made from munitions and even commemorative china produced for tea parties in the streets of Britain.

Photography in WWI
Gerald Prenderghast looks into the use of photography for reportage, propaganda and reconnaissance.

The black art of propaganda
The Great War was the first truly global conflict and propaganda soon became a significant weapon to demonise the enemy and bolster home morale.

Great war comic postcards
Ray Westlake looks at the popular postcards from WWI that were used to write home.

American Liberty Bonds
All wars require money. Here’s how American Liberty Bond Posters were used to support the American campaign in WWI.

Trench art
Gerald Prenderghast takes a look at the collectable art fashioned from the munitions of war.

Collecting military postcards
Ray Westlake looks at an alternative way to study military heraldry by examining postcards with a military badge theme.

Princess Mary Christmas box
In order to ensure that every British serviceman had a gift on Christmas Day, 1914, Princess Mary launched a Gift Fun appeal for public contributions.

Canadian recruiting posters
Ray Westlake looks at the posters issued to attract volunteers for Canada’s entry into the Great War.

Victory china
Commemorative china produced to mark the end of World War I is full of symbolism, as Ed Hallett discovers.

Weapons are a fascinating and collectable area of militaria, so here we are looking at grenades, the Reich revolver, a particularly brutal Welsh knife, the iconic Vickers MG and the range of weapons used in East Africa.

Welsh knife
Lee Sheldon reveals the strange story of a magnificent knife, privately issued to the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

The Model 1883 Reichsrevolver
Bill Harriman looks at the development of a revolver for the German Army.

Field of fire
Richard Fisher describes the development of the Vickers MG, culminating in its use at Passchendaele.

East Africa weapons
George Prescott describes the weapons in use by both sides in a campaign far away from the muddy fields of Flanders.

Gerald Prenderghast looks at collecting that most effective of infantry tools in WWI, the hand grenade.

Here we take a look at the collecting opportunities that surround specific, and iconic, battles of WWI. You can collect a range of items related to the Somme, the German Spring Offensive of 1918, Arras, as well as equipment like bugles and trench mirrors.

The Battle of the Somme
From whistles, uniforms, medals and souvenirs, here is what’s available to collectors who wish to focus on the Battle of the Somme.

Trench mirrors
Graham Priest explores the only safe way for soldiers to see what was going on in the trenches of WWI.

Collecting the Kaiser’s Battle
Edward Hallett explores some late-war collectables from the German Spring Offensive of 1918.

Military bugles
George Prescott traces the development of the signalling tool from WWI and how to collect them now.

Collecting the Battle of Arras
Edward Hallett considers some of the new tactics used during the 1917 Battle of Arras and basing a collection around them.

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