Bow International Issue 176 (issue: Issue 176)

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Bow Internation Issue 176 front cover

Issue 176

Bow 176: The Vegas Issue packs a punch! We hear from many champs and seasoned Vegas and Lancaster travellers, who share their advice on how to plan for your very own once-in-a-lifetime US trips in 2025 in the hopes of winning big and shooting the most exciting competition formats. We have a feature on superstitions, on archery love birds, unveil the new Paris 2024 medals, and celebrate the 20th anniversary of Last Chance Archery with a generous giveaway! We compare top-tier target sights and review the E1 clicker; we bring expert advice and a feature on purchasing your first flatbow. Two very special history features await you, one on the Pyongyang 1988 Olympics that never was, another on the history of the arrowless bow - the pellet bow. Buckle up!

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