Hannah and the Honey Bee

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Hannah and the Honey Bee book cover

First Edition

‘Hannah and the Honey Bees’ is a children’s fantasy story about an eight year old girl whose grandad keeps bees. It is set in rural England where Hannah becomes the link between the bees’ hidden world and her dear grandad.

Through her dreams, Hannah is reduced to the size of a bee, enters the hive and meets a newly emerged bee named ‘Tweeny’ who becomes her friend.

During the summer months, Hannah makes regular visits to the hive, meeting different characters including the bad-tempered Queen and lazy drones. An intense battle against hungry wasps nearly kills the colony.

Grandad, unaware of her ‘buzzy’ friends, is delighted by Hannah’s keen interest.

The author hopes this book will capture the imagination of young people and inspire them to take a closer look at these wonderful creatures. The story contains a wealth of accurate information about the fascinating and complex lives of bees. The book is suitable for children of all ages; to read aloud, as an amusing bedtime tale and as a beautifully illustrated guide to cherish for a lifetime.

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